Thursday, March 31, 2005

Sunday, March 27, 2005

We're all paranoid
Pretty soon our heated conversation was drawing attention from people around us, and random people started jumping in. And to my surprise, all of them expressed doubts over the official 9/11 story.

"It did not go down the way they said," bystander Eric Basher said. "I don't know if Bush did it, but something isn't right here."

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Bush says Iraq attack made America safe
"We know that September the 11th requires our country to
think differently."

"I know that nothing can end the pain of the families who have lost loved ones in this struggle, but they can know that their sacrifice has added to America's security and the freedom of the world."
Support This
I designed this for the Lake City local artists exhibit. I have unsubmitted the work to avoid controversy. It's a shame. Helen Dewey, who is putting the show together, said it was the best thing I'd ever done. I just know it would upset a lot of people in this tiny mountain town; people I have to live with and work with. People who believe they must support the troops, support the president, support the war. We must kick rag-head ass because of 9/11.
God! It is a tragedy what we have become in this country. We are all little Eichmanns now, shouting down the voices of dissent. At work I mentioned my dismay at Wolfowitz being appointed head of the World Bank. A person I worked with displayed the typical American disdain for dissent: "I don't even know who that is, I don't care!"
I am ignorant. I am apathetic. I am proud. I am an American.
Where's the outrage on torture?
"You have to treat these detainees like dogs."
(But I like my dog...)
Bush's 'Shocking' Choice Of Wolfowitz Provokes Outrage
'Bolton Followed By Wolfowitz Sounds Like A Declaration Of War'
The Perfect Terrorist Plan
Our own U.S. Army devised a plan commissioned by Congress to bring down the WTC using commercial airliners and box cutters as weapons.
The Perfect Plan

Monday, March 14, 2005

The Franklin Coverup
You've really got to take a look at this. Bloggers are beginning to connect some dots and this sordid sex scandal is a ticking time bomb. Time for another major psy-ops spectacular?
The Franklin Coverup
Photographer for White House child sex ring arrested after Thompson suicide.
If half of the stuff in this story is true it indicates a degree of government corruption beyond comprehension.
