"Let Them Eat Shit..."
There is something sinister going down -- it's not just incompetence or negligence.

We need to understand that the capability has been there from the start to drive water and food right up to the convention center, as those roads have been clear -- it's how the National Guard drove into the city.
Let me say this again: The government is intentionally not allowing food or water in.
This is for real.
There is something sinister going down -- it's not just incompetence or negligence.

We need to understand that the capability has been there from the start to drive water and food right up to the convention center, as those roads have been clear -- it's how the National Guard drove into the city.
Let me say this again: The government is intentionally not allowing food or water in.
This is for real.
For the Trump-Deprived
IT is impossible to read Donald Trump's blog without hearing his voice and picturing him typing away in his Turnbull & Asser pajamas, sleep still in his eyes.
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